Este encontro destina-se a dotar a rede dos jovens investigadores em PRU de um fórum periódico de discussão dos temas de investigação em curso

Conferência "New Models for Innovative Management and Urban Dynamics", Faro, 12-14 Outubro, 2009

At a time of rapid economic change where the capacity of European cities to control their development towards a globally more sustainable development is at stake, it seems of utmost importance to identify the regimes, policies and tools that best suit land management strategies for urban dynamics within a general context characterized by globalization, fierce economic competitiveness, territorial competition and the strong need to conceive urban planning actions under the auspice of, for example, public-private partnerships or other innovative cooperative forms.
Previous studies in urban development show the decisive importance of the public actor’s ability to mobilize the required land resources for the success of urban projects. European cities largely differ from each other in their land ownership situation, building industry and real estate configurations, mortgage system, planning culture, policies, and management tools. However, the actual impacts of those differences on the success of urban development are poorly known, in spite of their utmost importance for European long term economic growth, especially for new Eastern EU members.
The main objective of the Conference is to discuss develop tools for a comparative framework of land management regimes and policies and to produce recommendations for land mobilization methods and tools in order to foster urban dynamics within a knowledge based society.

Target issues
- Discuss land management regimes and land policies prevailing in European cities and others across the world;
- Present urban allocation and reallocation tools;
- Present mobilization capabilities of cities and promote cases of sustainable development best practices; if possible promoting comparative framework and discussions;
- Discuss promotion and development of prevailing land management regimes, land policies and reallocation tools as well as long term monitoring procedures;
- Produce recommendations for further, funded research on land management for urban dynamics;
- Special emphasis will be given to urban development related with tourism and golf resorts.

Tentative guest speakers (initial proposal)
Eric Britton – New Mobility Agenda, Paris – Confirmed
Jon Burley – School of Planning, Design, and Construction, Michigan State University, USA.
Alan Berger, MIT, USA. “Strategic Options for Integrating Transportation Innovations and Urban Revitalization” MIT-Portugal Program

Call for papers
Papers or extended abstracts of 2 to 8 pages can be sent until the 12th of September 2009 in form of an e-mail attachment to the following address:

We call for the participation of the scientific community, mainly related to transport studies and land use management as well as politicians and administrative bodies (through the dissemination of information regarding regimes, tools, and implementation requirements of land management), practitioners, and main stakeholders (business corporations, investors, developers, environmentalists, and citizens in general).


O 2º Encontro português de jovens investigadores na área do planeamento regional e urbano terá lugar na Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, a 14 de Maio de 2009, desta feita associado e precedendo a 2ª Conferência do Centro de Investigação do Território, Transportes e Ambiente – CITTA – que decorrerá a 15 de Maio.
Este encontro é especialmente dirigido a investigadores junior de todas as formações relacionadas com o planeamento regional e urbano e pretende colmatar a ausência de espaços de partilha de experiências de investigação na área em Portugal. O encontro é vocacionado não só para investigadores que se encontram numa fase intermédia da sua tese de doutoramento, mas também para investigadores em fase inicial de trabalho do seu doutoramento.
O objectivo é debater objectivos, questões metodológicas e desafios, e não tanto apresentar resultados. O 2º EPIPRU contará com a presença de investigadores senior convidados na qualidade de oradores.
Cada investigador é convidado a enviar um extended abstract com 1000 palavras, de acordo com modelo disponível em Este deverá descrever a investigação em curso, apresentando a temática, os seus objectivos e metodologia, e deverá ser anexado à ficha de inscrição com os dados de identificação necessários. Os investigadores seleccionados deverão preparar uma apresentação de Power Point nas condições a divulgar conjuntamente com a aceitação dos trabalhos, tendo como premissa a concentração do encontro num único dia e assegurando o espaço necessário para o debate. As línguas admitidas para o encontro são o Português e o Inglês.
Os orientadores dos investigadores participantes serão convidados a assistir.

The 2nd meeting of the group of Portuguese junior researchers on urban and regional planning will take place at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), Portugal, in May 14th, 2009, in association with the 2nd Conference of the Research Center for Territory, Transportation and Environment (CITTA) from FEUP.
EPIPRU 2009 is oriented for junior researchers in urban and regional planning from all academic backgrounds and it aims to create a forum for them to present and discuss their researches, filling a gap for this type of meetings in Portugal. Researchers are invited to present not only results from ongoing research but also to discuss methodological issues that arise in early research stages. The meeting will also have the participation of senior researchers that will be invited to give lectures on selected subjects.
Researchers are invited to submit an extended abstract with up to 1000 words, according to the template available at The abstract must be attached to the participation form. Abstracts and presentations can be made in Portuguese and in English.

Datas Importantes | Important Dates

A data limite para a submissão de abstracts é o dia 15 de Abril, a aceitação dos trabalhos será comunicada até 27 de Abril.

Deadline for abstract abstract submission is April 15th. Acceptance will be communicated by April 27th.

Programa | Program

O programa final será anunciado a 4 de Maio.

The final program will be announced by May 4th.

Localização do EPIPRU 2009 | Venue

O EPIPRU 2009 irá ter lugar no Departamento de Engenharia Civil da Faculdade de Engenharia de Universidade do Porto, localizado na Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, s/n. Para chegar ao DEC é possível usar os autocarros STCP 204, 300, 301, 603 e 803 ou o Metro, linha Amarela, paragem do IPO. Os horários podem ser consultados aqui.

EPIPRU 2009 will be held at the Departement of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, s/n. To get there, it is possible to take STCP bus lines 204, 300, 301, 603 e 803 or the Metro, Yellow Line, getting of at IPO stop. Timetables can be seen here.

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